Friday, April 10, 2009

StarFox: The Movie Trailer

While this isn't exactly photography-related, it is relevant to my interest in film. This was my final project in Time Arts, made with Final Cut Pro. This was a lot of fun to make, especially the capturing part which required me to hook up the Nintendo in the computer lab and play through StarFox several times to get all the video/audio clips I wanted. Oh the looks I got.

One of the main reasons I chose StarFox is because in the game's audio options you can turn off the music and sound effects, leaving only the voices. Which is perfect because, as anyone who has tried to make their own fan trailer from an existing movie or TV show will tell you, there isn't any background noise mucking up the dialogue or having the game's music constantly changing from one clip to the next. The aspect ratio is a little more extreme than I would've liked, but that's a result cutting out the in-game Heads Up Display.

But hey- Ghostbusters was 2.35:1 and people still liked it, right?


  1. Very well put together Donald. I did something like this in high school, but it was only about falco's sayings, and this very awesome.

    I admit defeat... If this does not work!

    How did the fartsy kids react to it?

  2. Wouldn't know. There weren't many in the class

  3. awesome. the only way it could be any better would be to use clips from Starfox (SNES):

    Fox: "deh deh deh deh deh deh dah butt deh deh."
    Falco: "brew brew brew brah bret."
    Slippy: "dib dibbit dib dibbit."
    Peppy: "nye nye nyea nyah nyah nyah."

    Anouncer: "Blehblahblahblehblah."
